Ayurveda Dictionary
Causal primordials composed of universal basic attributes, sattva, raja, tama
from 1. Maya prakruti (root nature) arises mool-aksha (root space) 2. Mool-aksha (root, causal space) arises moolvayu (root wind) 3. Mool-vayu (root/ causal wind) arises mool-tejas (root fire) 4. Mool-tejas (root/causal fire) arises mool-aapa (root water) 5. Mool-aapa (root/causal water) arises mool-pruthvi (root/earth)
Cavya Piper cubeba
Cereefa/sureefa custard apple
Chakra wheel; organ of subtle body
Chakranama synonym of Guduchi; cross-section of stem looks like a wheel
Chakshu eye – sensory organ
Chakshurendriya sensory organ of vision
Chakshushya beneficial to the eye
Chal rind or peel
Chamcha spoon
Chana chickpea/chickpea flour
Chandraputi Treated with moonlight
Chandra Vijnana Yogic mystical science of the moon
Chapati a type of Indian bread
Chara mobility – joints
Charaka Samhita a classical text of Ayurveda; compendium of internal
medicine. Treatise compiled by Charaka, a
student of Atreya, who taught and practised Ayurvedic medicine at Taxila
Charvya crisp and chewy – food which needs to be masticated (with the teeth). These include various salads and nuts
Charya practice
Chatraka mushroom
Chatties saucepans
Chatur four
Chavan ancient Ayurvedic scholar and doctor
Chavitti massagw with feet
Chawal rice
Chaya collection or accumulation of the doshas
Chayavana prash general rejuvenator; tonic
Chchalitam splintered
Chchinnam separation of one articular surface
Che six
Chedyam hacking
Chharddi vomiting
Chhedya incision
Chikitsa treatment
Chintya 1 of 5 – a controlling term to describe a subject of mind ie. to accept or reject, and to differentiate between contemplation and planning of a subject
Chitraka; chita Plumbago zeylanica. Synonym of agni – referring to its action on bringing agni down
Chuquander white beetroot
Chuquander lal red beetroot
Churi knife
Churna(m) powder of dried medicinal plant
Churnitam powdered
Chushya food which should be sucked eg. mangoes
Chyle nutrient rich lymph