COVID 19: Information for our community
Dear All,
This is a specialised email to all members, Ayurvedic practitioners, yoga teachers, studio and clinic owners to help provide an understanding of your rights and requirements in consideration of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) when working directly with patients, clients, students, and the general public.
While we may privately wonder if this could all be too much hype, it is every person’s responsibility to act in accordance with the directions of healthcare officials and government health bodies. Monitor reports from government organisations regularly. Don’t propose to know everything, as the situation and information are changing daily, and you need to communicate with your staff and keep them updated about what is happening in your clinic or studio. It is also important that you take measures to minimise risks to yourself and to the public.
There is a lot of panic and confusion in the world right now, and more than ever we need to meet what’s arising with kindness, wisdom, compassion, and equanimity. Let your decisions come from sitting with and looking at what is right action, not out of fear or panic.
We stand by the harm-reduction point of view about the virus. We need to be part of a positive and proactive movement and thus support slowing down the rate of infection so that we don’t overwhelm the healthcare system, and hopefully give those at the front lines a fighting chance in the weeks to come.
Hygiene standards should be adhered to regardless of the existence of COVID-19.
This includes:
- Maintaining a high level of personal hygiene for all clinical, kitchen, admin and teaching staff (including correct washing of hands before and after each patient contact)
- Maintaining a high level of cleanliness within the Centre, reception and communal area, clinic and studio
- Regular cleaning of all surfaces (especially clinic equipment, devices, dispensing area, and containers)
- Regular removal of all waste
- Appropriate cleaning of reusable equipment, instruments and devices
- Clinic and environmental controls including spillage management
- Use of protective clothing where appropriate
COVID-19 Facts
Centre for Disease Control (CDC) Facts
- The virus can make anyone sick regardless of their race or ethnicity
- Some people are at increased risk of getting COVID-19
- People who live in, or have recently been, in an area with ongoing spread are at increased risk of exposure
- Persons who have been in close contact with a person with confirmed COVID-19 have been advised to self-isolate for 14 days (seek leave, hiatus and avoid places of business until the full period is completed without symptoms)
Understand the signs of COVID-19 (any of the below):
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
Seek medical advice if you:
- Develop symptoms; AND
- Have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 or live in or have recently travelled from an area with the ongoing spread of COVID-19
- NOTE: Call ahead before going to any doctor’s office or emergency room. Tell them about your recent travel and your symptoms <>
Actions to keep yourself and others healthy
- Wash your hands more often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; going to the bathroom; and before eating or preparing food
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- As difficult as this may be, don’t teach or practice and stay at home when you are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the bin.
- Based on government recommendations that close contact is to be avoided, avoid doing partnerwork in your classes.
- Be careful of being around large groups of people. Only go to crowded places if you absolutely need to.
- Do everything you can to boost your immune system.
Safety in Clinic
If you have concerns about COVID-19 and the risks clients may pose to your health, you can:
- Ask them if they are currently unwell and, if so, to postpone their appointment for 2 weeks
- Ask your clients if they have done any travelling in the past month. If so, you may enquire where and determine when you book that client in
- You can wear Personal Protective Equipment, ie: gloves and/or face mask. We recommend that if you do this you advise your clients it is precautionary only for the safety of everyone
- Encourage staff to take the day off if they are sick
- Manage confidentiality for those who have contracted the coronavirus
Healthcare officials are advising persons who are unwell to wear masks, rather than the healthy, with the exception of medical staff working directly with infected persons. This is at the discretion of individuals, but it is advised if you feel unwell and need to go out in public to wear a protective mask.
As natural healthcare professionals, we also encourage you to use your own knowledge and education in preventative healthcare to ensure your own healthy immune systems with practices, medicines, and foods you have learned are beneficial for both your mental health as well as your physical wellbeing. There is currently nothing proven to fight against this COVID-19 so utilising your own Yogic and Ayurvedic tools as a defense is the best method.
Important Resources
Chinese Medicine Council of NSW – <> <> – <>
COVID-19 General Information (Updated Daily) – <>
COVID-19 More Specific Information (including hygiene) – Key information for practitioners – <>
For any other information, please call the Australian Government’s COVID-19 hotline on 1800 020 080.
Please also keep up to date with local, state and federal changes through the Australian Government and news articles.
Posted in: Health Articles
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