Archive for Upcoming Events

Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat -for mind-body solutions

Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat -for mind-body solutions

Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat is the home for accessible mind-body solutions curated to boost an individual’s capacity to restore physical and mental health.

The last few years have been….a lot. I know it also hasn’t been easy for many of you. With the turmoil going on all around us, many of us find our minds brimming with greater uncertainty, stress, and anxiety. Rates of chronic and acute conditions are skyrocketing. Stress, exposure to toxins, aggressive pathogens, and other factors have formed a perfect storm of inflammatory responses that wreak havoc on the body and overall health, all the way down to the cellular level. Over time, these can lead to serious conditions, premature aging, and a decline in overall vitality.

I acknowledge the hardship of all of that, and ask you to see past it, through it, and around it. Focus on what you have, not what you had. We can’t do anything about what has happened… and is still happening. But we can move out of “what was” and into “what can be”. We can stand tall in our truth and focus on what we can do today and tomorrow to make our lives better, with an aspiration of helping humanity change its dangerous trajectory of self-destruction and help make the world a better. place for all Our bodies have the incredibly potent capacity for self-healing and maintaining equilibrium during times of distress and disease. We must not become the obstacle that gets in the way. The first move towards life mastery is always inward – learning who you really are, and reconnecting with that innate force. From here you impact in the world.

What if you could learn how to calm your nervous system and restore balance with a practice that is imbued in spirituality (and backed by medical science) and learn how to trust yourself and your body’s innate wisdom?

Here, at Nirvana Wellbeing Retreat we offer the essentials – helping you get free from debilitating pain, improve your breathing, recover from injuries and dysfunction, and increase your energy, wellbeing and happiness.

Ayurveda and Yoga Retreats

These retreats typically include daily transformative teachings based on Ayurveda, the science of life.

Learn how to cultivate a feeling of wholeness and healing. Through Ayurvedic, food, natural herbal medicines, restorative yoga, breathwork, mindfulness, Yoga nidra, discussion, art, nature and more, you will

  • Harness accessible resources for resilient well-being
  • Restore and revitalise the body with the integrating traditions of Ayurveda, yoga and art.
  • Balance and soothe the nervous system with restorative practices including yoga nidra for finding deep rest and improving your sleep
  • Use meditation to reflect and connect to your most authentic self and heartfelt values.
  • Return home with a rich array of self-care practices that will ground and fortify you throughout the year.

Regardless of your personal health goals, the end destination for all of us is to feel better than ever. I want you to know it’s never too late to start. It is never too late to build a stronger amd healtthier foundation for wellbeing. So whether you’re just starting your health journey, or just looking for your next best step, take action NOW while it’s on your mind. This is your opportunity to empower yourself, to transform your health, to reclaim your life. Don’t let it pass you by. Let’s improve your health today. Longer retreats have the ability to add detox as an optional extra.

 Wednesday, 27 December 2023 – Wednesday, 3 January 2024
WEEK / 7 nights
Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat. Detox available.
“The Calling of Joy”
from $2,845 (Detox available)

Wednesday, 3 January 2024 – Wednesday, 10 January 2024
week / 7 nights
Ayurveda and Yoga Retreat. Detox available.
“Live, Love, Laugh and Last a Lifetime”
from $2,550 (Detox available)



Phone: 07 55310511

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Exceptional Wellbeing RETREAT – July 2-11 2021

Exceptional Wellbeing RETREAT – July 2-11 2021

Profound Healing. Sustainable Wellbeing.
Transform into the new paradigm.
Many years ago, when medical professionals prescribed a detox, it meant the patient needed to get clean from drugs or alcohol. Today, detoxing has become a popular trend that can mean just about anything. There are many diets and cleanses that claim to detox your body, help you lose weight, clear up your skin, give you increased energy, and more. But, many of these so-called detoxes lack scientific proof, and some are downright unhealthy.

That said, we are exposed to toxins in our environment now more than ever before, so there may be times when your body needs a little extra support. If you are interested in effective ways to detox in a safe manner, that helps you feel your best and keep your body functioning optimally you ahe come to the right place. Eating whole foods, eliminating refined sugar, supporting your body with high-quality supplements, getting enough sunlight, and taking care of your inner self are some of the best ways to keep your body, mind, and spirit truly flourishing.

Clean air and pure water are no longer the norm, and living in a modern world of manmade chemicals, toxins and pollutants, our environment has changed faster than we can evolve with it. Environmental toxins have become a major health threat. These toxins, lodged in cells, tissues and organs are linked with many of today’s chronic diseases, such as ADHA, Alzheimers, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, Parkinson’s, thyroid disease… Which is why purging your body of pollutants is more important today than ever.

Ayurveda is the healing system that has been used in India for over 5,000 years. It is known as the ‘mother of all cures’ from which have emerged many systems of health care.

The basic principle of Ayurveda is that each person has an individual mind-body constitution, known as Prakruti, which arises from the combination of their unique mix of bio-markers, or doshas. Each individual is unique and needs to follow dietary routines, physical exercises (yoga), detoxification and rejuvenation treatments that are specific to their body and lifestyle for exceptional wellbeing. At Nirvana Detox Retreats, we highly respect your unique individuality.

Detoxification is a natural body process that is compromised when the mind-body system becomes overloaded. Cleansing is not about magic pills, sitting on the toilet for days or starving yourself. Medicine, elimination and diet must work together with education to safely eliminate the toxins we all have stored in our body’s tissues and memories. To be effective and sustainable, detoxification according to Ayurveda needs to address your unique mind-body type (prakruti) and your imbalances (vikruti).

Nirvana Detox Retreats are highly specialised, customised, and tailored in-house, according to your current state of health and constitution, to enable you achieve the most benefits from the program. It is the starting point to pro-actively manage and improve your health and wellness. Personal attention is given to each participant’s specific needs. Ayurveda at Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary is practised in both its original form, together with contemporary practices and treatments that have been highly successful with both minor and chronic ailments.

The purification of the five elements within the human system – earth, water, fire, air and space – stabilises body and mind and is particularly beneficial for those suffering from physical ailments, a weak constitution, psychological instabilities, disturbed sleep and a constant sense of doubt and fear.  If these limiting forces can be dispelled from the mind, one can live life to one’s full potential. It is also supportive for the fulfilment of one’s ambitions.

If you’ve tried juicing for weight loss, the 24hr detox, 3-day detox, 5-day detox or even the 7-day detox diets you may not have given your body enough time to cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate the bodies tissues. Nirvana’s 10-day, fully supervised, residential detox retreat is the only mind-body program that combines western and eastern healing modalities, designed to remove your physical and emotional roadblocks. It is totally unique, absolutely transformative, with proven results that actually work.

This is the best detox cleanse you will ever come across. It’s based on solid nutritional and behavioural sciences, about whole foods, changing habits, moderation, understanding yourself and being a better you! You will be glad you did, because it is not about a quick fix. It’s about building health and wellbeing for the rest of your life. You will feel your stress and tension melt away as our team helps you restore your balance and address your personal health and life concerns.

Join Nirvana’s outstanding program to explore the truth behind the illusions, and experience an integrated approach to rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit. We can help you start s positive and energetic lifestyle by de-stressing and detoxing through customised Ayurvedic and yoga therapy. Nirvana Wellness Retreat is a physically, spiritually and mentally rejuvenating and regenerating experience, which will return you healthy and totally renewed. The detoxification program needs a minimum stay of 10 days.

Health is not just skin deep. Outer radiance and beauty come from within. When an individual finds true equilibrium between their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, their persona radiates with wholesome beauty and allure. To further enhance your benefits of detoxification, we use highly specialised oils and treatments unique to your mind-body type and specific to your imbalance. Herbs, decoctions, oils, teas, dietary additions and other detox medicine supplies are used in the program. We also provide you with pure, natural herbal cleansing supplies to use during your stay. These can all be taken home with you at the end of the program.

To make wise choices in life, you need to get in touch with your essence. This is best achieved during your moments of stillness, silence and solitude, which most people are afraid of. However, in silence we grow, in stillness we heal. Your soul is nourished through authenticity. In the silence you hear the voice of Truth and know your solutions. The answer lies within you, always, and your heart will show you the way.

Upon confirmed booking, you will receive Pre-detox suggestions.
Upon arrival, you will receive During detox guidelines,
During your stay, you will have an Ayurvedic consultation, and a shorter follow up feedback consultation, so that before leaving, you will receive Post detox recommendations. Your post detox longevity program, known as rasayana, will recommend herbal longevity tonics and supplies to be taken home to continue to build strong, healthy tissue.

We very much look forward to working with you, towards your goals for your best health.


July 2-11           Exceptional Wellbeing RETREAT. Detox available. Where science meets consciousness.

July 2-4                   Introduction to Ayurveda, the Art of Being and Science of Living RETREAT

July 4-9                   Cook, Taste, Digest, Heal, and Cultivate an appetite for life. RETREAT

July 9-11                 Relax, Rejuvenate, and Restore – live better longer, with self-care RETREAT


Venue: Nirvana Wellness Retreat 87 Binna Burra Rd, Beechmont QLD 4211, Australia
For retreat fees and accommodation click here

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The Calling of Joy – Nirvana Retreat 2021

The Calling of Joy – Nirvana Retreat
27 Dec – 3 Jan, 2021

January 3-10, 2021

How to live, love, laugh and last a lifetime

  • Unplug and recalibrate with nature and the simpler things in life.
  • Less is more.
  • Reconnect with essence.
  • Ground yourself in your breath.
  • Slow down, unwind, relax in hammock, swim in the waterfall, read a book, do some gentle yoga, meditate and be at peace.

Take the step that love invites and fear resists.
Stop a while and reduce the wear and tear of haste.
Lubricate your life with ease and grace.
Take time out in a quiet place.
Be. Simply be in the stillness of your heart,
that your heart may be in all that you do.
Come into the quiet.
Silence betrays the noise inside our lives.
Take silence by the heart and lead into the heart of peace.
New Year, New You.

Life-changing and inspirational 7 days of Yoga, Relaxation and Ayurveda.

Every day there will be two gentle, healing yoga practices that focus on breathwork, yoga stretching and mindfulness, in our own 70 acre, peaceful Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary. Featuring Ayurvedic teachings, vegetarian cooking workshops, daily mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga, nature walks, Ayurvedic massages, delicious vegetarian food and time for R&R.

We honour the elements of earth, air, fire and water, and harness the energy of the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars, and thus gain access to universal energy to contribute to the enlightenment and evolution of humanity.

Cleansing is not just about ‘magic’ pills, sitting on the toilet for days or starving your self. Medicine, elimination and diet must work together with education to safely eliminate the toxins we all have stored in our body’s tissues and memories.

Unplug and recalibrate with nature and the simpler things in life.
Less is more.
Take the step that love invites and fear resists.
Stop a while and reduce the wear and tear of haste.
Lubricate your life with ease and grace.
Take time out in a quiet place.
Be. Simply be in the stillness of your heart,
that your heart may be in all that you do.
Come into the quiet.
Silence betrays the noise inside our lives.
Reconnect with essence.
Ground yourself in your breath
Take silence by the heart and lead into the heart of peace.

Slow down, unwind, relax in hammock, swim in the waterfall, read a book, do some gentle yoga, meditate and be at peace.

For more information phone (07) 5531-90511 or visit

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Nirvana Wellness Retreat Detox- July 2020

Nirvana Wellness Retreat Detox- July 2020

Profound Healing. Sustainable Wellbeing.
Transform into the new paradigm.
Many years ago, when medical professionals prescribed a detox, it meant the patient needed to get clean from drugs or alcohol. Today, detoxing has become a popular trend that can mean just about anything. There are many diets and cleanses that claim to detox your body, help you lose weight, clear up your skin, give you increased energy, and more. But, many of these so-called detoxes lack scientific proof, and some are downright unhealthy.

That said, we are exposed to toxins in our environment now more than ever before, so there may be times when your body needs a little extra support. If you are interested in effective ways to detox in a safe manner, that helps you feel your best and keep your body functioning optimally you ahe come to the right place. Eating whole foods, eliminating refined sugar, supporting your body with high-quality supplements, getting enough sunlight, and taking care of your inner self are some of the best ways to keep your body, mind, and spirit truly flourishing.

Clean air and pure water are no longer the norm, and living in a modern world of manmade chemicals, toxins and pollutants, our environment has changed faster than we can evolve with it. Environmental toxins have become a major health threat. These toxins, lodged in cells, tissues and organs are linked with many of today’s chronic diseases, such as ADHA, Alzheimers, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, Parkinson’s, thyroid disease… Which is why purging your body of pollutants is more important today than ever.

Ayurveda is the healing system that has been used in India for over 5,000 years. It is known as the ‘mother of all cures’ from which have emerged many systems of health care.

The basic principle of Ayurveda is that each person has an individual mind-body constitution, known as Prakruti, which arises from the combination of their unique mix of bio-markers, or doshas. Each individual is unique and needs to follow dietary routines, physical exercises (yoga), detoxification and rejuvenation treatments that are specific to their body and lifestyle for exceptional wellbeing. At Nirvana Detox Retreats, we highly respect your unique individuality.

Detoxification is a natural body process that is compromised when the mind-body system becomes overloaded. Cleansing is not about magic pills, sitting on the toilet for days or starving yourself. Medicine, elimination and diet must work together with education to safely eliminate the toxins we all have stored in our body’s tissues and memories. To be effective and sustainable, detoxification according to Ayurveda needs to address your unique mind-body type (prakruti) and your imbalances (vikruti).
Nirvana Detox Retreats are highly specialised, customised, and tailored in-house, according to your current state of health and constitution, to enable you achieve the most benefits from the program. It is the starting point to pro-actively manage and improve your health and wellness. Personal attention is given to each participant’s specific needs. Ayurveda at Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary is practised in both its original form, together with contemporary practices and treatments that have been highly successful with both minor and chronic ailments.

The purification of the five elements within the human system – earth, water, fire, air and space – stabilises body and mind and is particularly beneficial for those suffering from physical ailments, a weak constitution, psychological instabilities, disturbed sleep and a constant sense of doubt and fear.  If these limiting forces can be dispelled from the mind, one can live life to one’s full potential. It is also supportive for the fulfilment of one’s ambitions.

If you’ve tried juicing for weight loss, the 24hr detox, 3-day detox, 5-day detox or even the 7-day detox diets you may not have given your body enough time to cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate the bodies tissues. Nirvana’s 10-day, fully supervised, residential detox retreat is the only mind-body program that combines western and eastern healing modalities, designed to remove your physical and emotional roadblocks. It is totally unique, absolutely transformative, with proven results that actually work.

This is the best detox cleanse you will ever come across. It’s based on solid nutritional and behavioural sciences, about whole foods, changing habits, moderation, understanding yourself and being a better you! You will be glad you did, because it is not about a quick fix. It’s about building health and wellbeing for the rest of your life. You will feel your stress and tension melt away as our team helps you restore your balance and address your personal health and life concerns.

Join Nirvana’s outstanding program to explore the truth behind the illusions, and experience an integrated approach to rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit. We can help you start s positive and energetic lifestyle by de-stressing and detoxing through customised Ayurvedic and yoga therapy. Nirvana Wellness Retreat is a physically, spiritually and mentally rejuvenating and regenerating experience, which will return you healthy and totally renewed. The detoxification program needs a minimum stay of 10 days.

Health is not just skin deep. Outer radiance and beauty come from within. When an individual finds true equilibrium between their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, their persona radiates with wholesome beauty and allure. To further enhance your benefits of detoxification, we use highly specialised oils and treatments unique to your mind-body type and specific to your imbalance. Herbs, decoctions, oils, teas, dietary additions and other detox medicine supplies are used in the program. We also provide you with pure, natural herbal cleansing supplies to use during your stay. These can all be taken home with you at the end of the program.

To make wise choices in life, you need to get in touch with your essence. This is best achieved during your moments of stillness, silence and solitude, which most people are afraid of. However, in silence we grow, in stillness we heal. Your soul is nourished through authenticity. In the silence you hear the voice of Truth and know your solutions. The answer lies within you, always, and your heart will show you the way.

Upon confirmed booking, you will receive Pre-detox suggestions.
Upon arrival, you will receive During detox guidelines,
During your stay, you will have an Ayurvedic consultation, and a shorter follow up feedback consultation, so that before leaving, you will receive Post detox recommendations. Your post detox longevity program, known as rasayana, will recommend herbal longevity tonics and supplies to be taken home to continue to build strong, healthy tissue.

We very much look forward to working with you, towards your goals for your best health.

Dates: 3 – 12 July 2020 (10 days)
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Retreat 87 Binna Burra Rd, Beechmont QLD 4211, Australia
For retreat fees and accommodation: click here

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The Calling of Joy – Nirvana Retreat 2020

The Calling of Joy – Nirvana Retreat 2020

The Calling of Joy – Nirvana Retreat
27 Dec – 3 Jan, 2020

January 3-10, 2020

How to live, love, laugh and last a lifetime

  • Unplug and recalibrate with nature and the simpler things in life.
  • Less is more.
  • Reconnect with essence.
  • Ground yourself in your breath.
  • Slow down, unwind, relax in hammock, swim in the waterfall, read a book, do some gentle yoga, meditate and be at peace.

Take the step that love invites and fear resists.
Stop a while and reduce the wear and tear of haste.
Lubricate your life with ease and grace.
Take time out in a quiet place.
Be. Simply be in the stillness of your heart,
that your heart may be in all that you do.
Come into the quiet.
Silence betrays the noise inside our lives.
Take silence by the heart and lead into the heart of peace.
New Year, New You.

Life-changing and inspirational 7 days of Yoga, Relaxation and Ayurveda.

Every day there will be two gentle, healing yoga practices that focus on breathwork, yoga stretching and mindfulness, in our own 70 acre, peaceful Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary. Featuring Ayurvedic teachings, vegetarian cooking workshops, daily mindfulness meditation and gentle yoga, nature walks, Ayurvedic massages, delicious vegetarian food and time for R&R.

We honour the elements of earth, air, fire and water, and harness the energy of the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars, and thus gain access to universal energy to contribute to the enlightenment and evolution of humanity.

Cleansing is not just about ‘magic’ pills, sitting on the toilet for days or starving your self. Medicine, elimination and diet must work together with education to safely eliminate the toxins we all have stored in our body’s tissues and memories.

Unplug and recalibrate with nature and the simpler things in life.
Less is more.
Take the step that love invites and fear resists.
Stop a while and reduce the wear and tear of haste.
Lubricate your life with ease and grace.
Take time out in a quiet place.
Be. Simply be in the stillness of your heart,
that your heart may be in all that you do.
Come into the quiet.
Silence betrays the noise inside our lives.
Reconnect with essence.
Ground yourself in your breath
Take silence by the heart and lead into the heart of peace.

Slow down, unwind, relax in hammock, swim in the waterfall, read a book, do some gentle yoga, meditate and be at peace.

For more information phone (07) 5531-90511 or visit

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Nirvana Wellness Retreat Gold Coast

Nirvana Wellness Retreat Gold Coast
  • Profound Healing. Sustainable Wellbeing
    Transform into the new paradigm

    Many years ago, when medical professionals prescribed a detox, it meant the patient needed to get clean from drugs or alcohol. Today, detoxing has become a popular trend that can mean just about anything. There are many diets and cleanses that claim to detox your body, help you lose weight, clear up your skin, give you increased energy, and more. But, many of these so-called detoxes lack scientific proof, and some are downright unhealthy.

    That said, we are exposed to toxins in our environment now more than ever before, so there may be times when your body needs a little extra support. If you are interested in effective ways to detox in a safe manner, that helps you feel your best and keep your body functioning optimally you ahe come to the right place. Eating whole foods, eliminating refined sugar, supporting your body with high-quality supplements, getting enough sunlight, and taking care of your inner self are some of the best ways to keep your body, mind, and spirit truly flourishing.

    Clean air and pure water are no longer the norm, and living in a modern world of manmade chemicals, toxins and pollutants, our environment has changed faster than we can evolve with it. Environmental toxins have become a major health threat. These toxins, lodged in cells, tissues and organs are linked with many of today’s chronic diseases, such as ADHA, Alzheimers, asthma, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, Parkinson’s, thyroid disease… Which is why purging your body of pollutants is more important today than ever.

    Ayurveda is the healing system that has been used in India for over 5,000 years. It is known as the ‘mother of all cures’ from which have emerged many systems of health care.

    The basic principle of Ayurveda is that each person has an individual mind-body constitution, known as Prakruti, which arises from the combination of their unique mix of bio-markers, or doshas. Each individual is unique and needs to follow dietary routines, physical exercises (yoga), detoxification and rejuvenation treatments that are specific to their body and lifestyle for exceptional wellbeing. At Nirvana Detox Retreats, we highly respect your unique individuality.

    Detoxification is a natural body process that is compromised when the mind-body system becomes overloaded. Cleansing is not about magic pills, sitting on the toilet for days or starving yourself. Medicine, elimination and diet must work together with education to safely eliminate the toxins we all have stored in our body’s tissues and memories. To be effective and sustainable, detoxification according to Ayurveda needs to address your unique mind-body type (prakruti) and your imbalances (vikruti).
    Nirvana Detox Retreats are highly specialised, customised, and tailored in-house, according to your current state of health and constitution, to enable you achieve the most benefits from the program. It is the starting point to pro-actively manage and improve your health and wellness. Personal attention is given to each participant’s specific needs. Ayurveda at Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary is practised in both its original form, together with contemporary practices and treatments that have been highly successful with both minor and chronic ailments.

    The purification of the five elements within the human system – earth, water, fire, air and space – stabilises body and mind and is particularly beneficial for those suffering from physical ailments, a weak constitution, psychological instabilities, disturbed sleep and a constant sense of doubt and fear.  If these limiting forces can be dispelled from the mind, one can live life to one’s full potential. It is also supportive for the fulfilment of one’s ambitions.

    If you’ve tried juicing for weight loss, the 24hr detox, 3-day detox, 5-day detox or even the 7-day detox diets you may not have given your body enough time to cleanse, detoxify and rejuvenate the bodies tissues. Nirvana’s 10-day, fully supervised, residential detox retreat is the only mind-body program that combines western and eastern healing modalities, designed to remove your physical and emotional roadblocks. It is totally unique, absolutely transformative, with proven results that actually work.

    This is the best detox cleanse you will ever come across. It’s based on solid nutritional and behavioural sciences, about whole foods, changing habits, moderation, understanding yourself and being a better you! You will be glad you did, because it is not about a quick fix. It’s about building health and wellbeing for the rest of your life. You will feel your stress and tension melt away as our team helps you restore your balance and address your personal health and life concerns.

    Join Nirvana’s outstanding program to explore the truth behind the illusions, and experience an integrated approach to rejuvenating the body, mind and spirit. We can help you start s positive and energetic lifestyle by de-stressing and detoxing through customised Ayurvedic and yoga therapy. Nirvana Wellness Retreat is a physically, spiritually and mentally rejuvenating and regenerating experience, which will return you healthy and totally renewed. The detoxification program needs a minimum stay of 10 days.

    Health is not just skin deep. Outer radiance and beauty come from within. When an individual finds true equilibrium between their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self, their persona radiates with wholesome beauty and allure. To further enhance your benefits of detoxification, we use highly specialised oils and treatments unique to your mind-body type and specific to your imbalance. Herbs, decoctions, oils, teas, dietary additions and other detox medicine supplies are used in the program. We also provide you with pure, natural herbal cleansing supplies to use during your stay. These can all be taken home with you at the end of the program.

    In silence we grow, in stillness we heal.

    To make wise choices in life, you need to get in touch with your essence. This is best achieved during your moments of stillness, silence and solitude, which most people are afraid of. However, in silence we grow, in stillness we heal. Your soul is nourished through authenticity. In the silence you hear the voice of Truth and know your solutions. The answer lies within you, always, and your heart will show you the way.

    Upon confirmed booking, you will receive Pre-detox suggestions.
    Upon arrival, you will receive During detox guidelines,
    During your stay, you will have an Ayurvedic consultation, and a shorter follow up feedback consultation, so that before leaving, you will receive Post detox recommendations. Your post detox longevity program, known as rasayana, will recommend herbal longevity tonics and supplies to be taken home to continue to build strong, healthy tissue.

    We very much look forward to working with you, towards your goals for your best health.

    What will I learn at an Ayurvedic detox retreat?

    • You will learn about the connections between you and nature, your constitution at birth (prakruti), current state of health (vikruti), the three keys to mastering health for you (doshas), and about a disturbance in the force (ama) and detect physical body ama on your tongue and how it impacts your health
    • Overview of the science of life and longevity, and how the mind-body medicine of Ayurveda can heal disease, alleviate stress and manage addictions
    • Learn about what Ojas is, and its role in perfect health and how to create health and harmony with healthy choices pertaining to eating, nourishment and lifestyle appropriate to you, so that you feel energised, ready to go, and to keep going.
    • Fun and food and perfect digestion. Embark upon a journey to cook delicious, healthy, nourishing meals.
    • Live, Laugh, Love and Last a Lifetime – long term strategies and self care for healthier mind-body management
    • Participate in the detox of different tissues in the body, such as liver, gallbladder, bowels, kidneys, lungs, heart and mind, skin though the delicious and satisfying food you eat, herbal medicine teas and Ayurvedic medicines (not so pleasant tasting).
    • Be well informed what your body may need in relation to supplements and herbs etc. to support your health and wellness.
    • Revitalise your life. Discover the connection between energy and happiness
    • Emotional enlightenment. Simple practices for stress release, emotional flow and deep peace.


    A Typical Day during the September detox, could look like …

    7:00 am         First gong of the day. Rise and shine.
    7:15 am         Second gong of the morning.
    7:30am          Meditation
    8:30am          Nirvana Breakfast
    10am             Ayurvedic lectures (10am-1pm)
    1.15pm        Delicious Ayurvedic plant-based lunch, the main meal of the day
    – meals that cleanse a different tissue or organ system every day
    2:45pm          Restorative Yoga Nidra. Inward time for self healing and deep relaxation.
    4-6pm            Free time. Optional Treatments. Consultations
    Ayurveda in the garden: Touch the Earth
    6 pm             Yoga practices with Shantiji
    Meditation, or Pranayama or Gentle Shanti Yoga long stretching  or chanting
    7pm               Evening meal. A light and fresh soup made with veggies from our garden.
    7:45pm          Ayurvedic medicines to help purify and cleanse
    8pm               Movies that inspire.


Dates: 21 – 30 September 2018 (10 days)
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Retreat 87 Binna Burra Rd, Beechmont QLD 4211, Australia
EXCEPTIONAL WELLBEING: Where science meets the healing arts
10 days. 9 nights
Fee: $3750.
Package includes Single room accommodation. All meals. Medicines. Treatments.

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Journey into the Heart of Peace to beautiful Nirvana Wellness Retreat Sanctuary, Beechmont, which is a unique, culturally immersive, restorative, rural, mountain retreat.

Retreats provide an opportunity for you to drop out of the fast paced, consumer culture, relax and awaken in the simple ease of a timeless, natural way of life. Here you will encounter something sweet and rare, understand human design and destiny, the art and science of discovering who you really are, connect with a community (sangha), stay in the host guru’s home, and experience the heart-opening contact with your soul.

During the retreat you put aside some of your usual habits, come back into ‘beginner’s mind’, engage in reflective inquiry, meditation and gentle yoga, and discover the inherent wisdom of being human.

If you need to de-stress, reset, and reconnect with your inner desires, truth, and Self, our silent meditation weekend retreat PEACE IN EVERY BREATH with Shantiji is coming up, 7-9 December 2018. A silent retreat is the perfect time to make a new beginning. Silence washes our awareness. Peace and quiet nurtures our being. The essence of spiritual practice is letting go and receiving deeply. This is your retreat, to let go, be mindfully present and receive the quiet grace in your heart. Feel wonderfully welcomed to a residential weekend of spiritual renewal and wellbeing, with retreat facilitator: Shanti Gowans. Rejuvenate with the intelligence and wisdom of the heart, benefit from healing massage (bookings essential), and soothe yourself with delicious Ayurvedic plant based meals. $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

THE CALLING OF JOY 27 December 2018 – 3 January 2019.
How to live, love, laugh and last a lifetime.
Our mood and access to a continuous state of joy and happiness is a composite of the daily visual and auditory stimuli we are exposed to, the overall level of peace, love, and sense of safety we experience daily and, of course, the microbes in our guts that depend on the above, as well as the ingestion of whole, organic, non-processed, non-refined foods, cooked with intelligence and love. The regular contemplation of joy is associated with improvements in psychophysiological coherence, spirituality, and various positive emotions and feelings.
THE BALANCED LIFE 3- 10 January 2019.
Attend Nirvana Wellness Retreat for the gift of health, detoxification, personal enrichment and peace of mind. Months and decades later you will continue to feel the love, healing and powerful reverberations from this enriching experience.
Let’s celebrate existence. Be well. Help wherever we can. Do something positive. Do something green. A true measure of a person’s worth includes all the benefits others have gained from that person’s success.
to make a  booking please  call (07) 5531 0511 or visit

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Meditation Retreat

Meditation Retreat

The 10 days Easter retreat opens with the marvellous experience by cultivating the practice for Intensive Peace. Here the entire 4 days are in silence and cultivating mindfulness, where the clutter of compulsive thoughts is cleared away, and the light of awareness becomes powerfully bright. This brightness turned inward allows access to the immaterial realms that a cluttered mind cannot attain. When this brightness is turned towards materiality (the physical world) or mentality (thought forms), these can be perceived and experienced in their unconditioned form, without the overlay of conceptual, conditioned thought.

Then the silence lifts, and we proceed with the original conversations with God, Bhagavad Gita discourse. Each day will include periods of meditation, yoga nidra (deep relaxation) and gentle yoga, and during the course of the retreat, we have short philosophical (dharma) talks and group discussion to deepen our understanding of our dharma in the world. Together we establish a retreat environment that includes daily practice, noble silence, simple group meals and participation in food preparation and clean-up, in the garden and other tasks.

We culminate the retreat with a wonderful weekend spent with the Seven Spiritual Laws of Healing and conclude the retreat with a delicious Sunday feast before we head down the mountain back to our home.

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.

It will not lead you astray.

29 March-2 April Intensive Peace (entire retreat in noble silence).

2-6 April. The Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita, The original conversations with God

6-8 April. Body, Mind and Spirit … and the seven spiritual laws of healing   

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