‘Food for Life’ recipe – Eggplant Bharta

‘Food for Life’ recipe – Eggplant Bharta

Eggplant 4 to 5 medium size
Onions 150 gms
Ginger strips 15 gms
Tomatoes 150 gms, finely chopped
Coriander 1 bunch, finely chopped
Sunflower oil 100 gms
Grind spices together
Green chilli 1
Peppercorns 10
Garlic cloves 2
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Red chilli pwd to taste

Grease eggplant and roast them on a medium fire. Remove skin and mash the pulp.
Heat oil in a pan and fry onions until transparent. Add ground spices and ginger strips. Now add mashed eggplant and stir until slightly brown.
Add chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper and chilli to taste and place in a medium oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle coriander as a garnish.
Portion: 8. Temp: 300ºF. Time: 25 mins.

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Food for Life

Food for Life

Food for Life is food for health, food as medicine and food to enjoy. Food for Life is a revolutionary cookbook that will help anyone who wishes to feel better, manage their weight and have more energy for living. With exciting traditional and inventive recipes that are so delicious you forget the purpose is good health and nourishment, Shanti Gowans’ philosophy is simple: a healthy gut leads to a healthy body and mind, and a happier you. However, changing the way you eat doesn’t have to involve deprivation. Food is celebratory and can be enjoyed everyday – whether you are home, work, with family or friends, or eating out. (more…)

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3 types of psychophysiological constitution: Doshas

3 types of psychophysiological constitution: Doshas

by Shanti Gowans

In the human body, various anatomical structures and physiological processes have common attributes, and are closely influenced by each other. Such related structures and functions are grouped into three governing principles in Ayurveda. These three psycho-physiological governing factors are called doshas. The Sanskrit names for these three governing factors or doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.


The Vata principle includes the complete nervous system, some aspects of the endocrine glandular system which coordinate the metabolism and most of the sense organs. Vata structures and functions are also responsible for all the communications within the human being as well as the communication with the outer universe. Vata deals with transportation and movements within a person’s body and mind. Vata entities are responsible for the pumping action of the heart, the breathing process in the lungs, the peristaltic movement of the intestines, and all the movements of the bones and muscles.

Vata is also responsible for mental functions such as intuition, imagination, resilience, sensitivity, spontaneity, indecisiveness and emotions such as exhilaration, fear, insecurity and doubt. In lay terms, Vata represents the biological principles of air and space. Vata structures and functions usually have qualities such as dry, cold, light, quick, rough, unstable and subtle.

Pitta includes all the digestive enzymes secreted within our gastrointestinal system, the cellular enzymes and the stimulating hormones. Pitta structures and functions are responsible for all the digestion, absorption, assimilation, heat regulation, sweating and metabolism going on in the body and the mind. It also governs skin complexion, visual perception, and the process of understanding.

Pitta dosha is responsible for mental functions such as intelligence, confidence, enterprise, organisation and emotions such as joy, excitement, courage, anger, jealousy and hatred. Pitta may be described as the biological principle of fire and water. The structures and functions of Pitta have qualities such as hot, moist, light, fluid, sour-smelling, sharp and penetrating.


Kapha structures and functions are responsible for the growth, stability, lubrication and storage within the body. Kapha includes the musculoskeletal frame, composition of all joints, the process of tissue building, wound healing and various accumulations. Kapha dosha is also responsible for mental functions such as memory, tranquillity, faith, forgiveness, devotion, and emotions such as love, affection, calmness, patience, sympathy, attachment, greed and lethargy. Those with predominant Kapha are more susceptible to weight gain.

Kapha is the biological principle of water and earth. The Kapha structures and functions have qualities such as heavy, cold, wet, slow, steady, soft, oily, sweet and smooth.

Of all the three governing factors, Vata is fundamentally the most important, in that it coordinates both Pitta and Kapha. Vata govern all the general physical processes. Imbalances in Vata are therefore more serious in nature. Kapha provides the material foundation and support for both Vata and Pitta.


The structures and functions of Vata, Pitta and Kapha are spread throughout the body, but in general, Kapha is more predominant in the area above the heart level. Important locations of Kapha are chest, throat, head, nose, sinuses, tongue, stomach, lymph and fat tissues. Within the digestive system, the primary location of Kapha is the stomach.

Pitta is generally more predominant in the area between the heart and the umbilicus. Important locations of Pitta are the small intestine, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood and organs of vision. Within the digestive system, the primary location of Pitta is the small intestine.

Vata is generally more predominant in the areas below the umbilicus level. Important locations of Vata are the colon, thighs, hips, bones, ears, and organs of touch. Within the digestive system, the primary location of Vata is the colon.

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Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut

by Shanti Gowans

The most common Ayurvedic prescription in India today is a gentle but powerful herbal gut-healer called triphala. With origins dating back 6,000 years, Ayurvedic medicine’s ancient healers have understood the importance of the gut or millenea. And they are right. Most medical disorders can be traced back to your gut.

If you don’t keep your gut healthy, you could end up with a condition called ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’, which can cause many chronic diseases… serious health issues, such as celiac disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

Sadly, Western medicine barely recognises Leaky Gut Syndrome, even though it afflicts millions of people. A leaky gut can be the source of real discomfort. It often goes hand in hand with multiple allergies, as well as asthma, eczema, headaches, sinusitis, gas, bloating, gastroenteritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Here is how it happens:

The lining of your gut is similar to a fine net, built of just a single layer of cells. It is this barrier that keeps food in your digestive system until it can be broken down safely.

If your gut is healthy, tiny holes in the lining allow nutrients to pass through. This is how your body absorbs vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients.

The problem is, the modern world is hostile to your gut. Antibiotics, steroids and other prescription drugs wipe out the delicate gut microflora in your small intestine. These are the good guys you need to crowd out the “bad bacteria.”

Additionally, and to compound matters, making it worse, a western diet of processed starches, sugars and food additives, such as emulsifiers, feed bad bacteria and break down the integrity of these tiny intestinal holes.

When you have a leaky gut, these tiny holes become misshapen and enlarge. Large undigested food molecules, yeasts, bacteria, toxins and invading pathogens can now flow freely into your bloodstream and damage your body.

If you have allergies, it may be a sign that you have a leaky gut…

Your body treats all that “sewage” as foreign invaders. Gradually, you develop reactions to foods such as milk, cheese, nuts, grains, eggs, and more.

Now, every time you eat these foods, your body launches an immune reaction. This leads to chronic inflammation throughout your body, the root of all chronic disease. But Ayurvedic doctors know exactly how to treat a leaky gut, as well as the diseases and conditions that spring from it. The first choice of medication is a herbal remedy called ‘triphala’. It is named from two Sanskrit words that literally mean ‘three fruits’. Triphala is made by blending the dried and powdered rinds and flesh of amlaki (or Indian gooseberry), haritaki (from the terminalia tree) and bibhitaki (from the bahera tree).

This combination forms a powerful gastric healer and acts as a gentle, safe and highly effective detoxifier for the intestine, colon, blood and liver, and an ancient intervention for constipation.

It is packed with antioxidants such as gallic, ellagic and chebulinic acids, as well as flavonoids and polyphenols with potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal properties. And it is rich in vitamin C. Ayurvedic doctors prescribe it for almost everything gut related and more, from constipation and indigestion to gastroenteritis to cardiovascular disease, mental health conditions, liver and pancreatic disorders and cancer. (A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute confirms that triphala prevents and slows the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors. Studies also confirm triphala can repair the large intestinal holes caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome. It tightens your gut wall and rebalances intestinal mucus, which is key to protecting you from further intestinal attacks).

You can buy triphala powder from Shanti Yoga Health Institute Australia, and simply prepare a soothing cup of triphala tea. Add ½ teaspoon of triphala powder into a cup of hot water. Taken on its own, it can taste very bitter. Try adding a little rice malt/maple syrup and ghee (Indian clarified butter) to the mix. Always take triphala on an empty stomach before meals or at bedtime.

Triphala can also be purchased as a supplement in tablet form or as a liquid extract.

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Events coming up at Shanti Yoga

Events coming up at Shanti Yoga

5-17 June 2018. .Ayurveda Cooking Retreat
Weekend Retreat. Cert IV & Dip Yoga
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

16, 17 June 10am – 5 pm
SHIRODHARA, KATI BASTI  Practitioner training in Ayurvedic treatments for lower back pain, stress, migraines. Prerequisites: •Basic principles of Ayurveda. •A&P. •Ayurvedic A&P (Can be done on-line) •First Aid. Bookings essential. $1595

23, 24 June. Sat & Sun

29 June. Friday 6:30-9:00pm
Spiritual food that brings people together.
$35. Course students $15

Experience an upgrade in the quality of your life.
– Heal your body. Help it recover from chronic illness, toxicity or poor nourishment and nutrition
– Align your energy centres to improve your emotional and physical wellbeing
– Experience a feeling of calmness, tranquility and bliss
10 days at Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary. From $2980 for twin-share, accommodation, 30 delicious Ayurvedic vegetarian meals, detox medicines, program including yoga, meditation, nature walks, art and so much more.

16 July – 17 Sept. Mon 6:30-7:15pm
10 week term. Includes complementary yoga stretch and tone class Mon 5:30-6:25pm
Fee $195 for 10 week term or $35 casual payment

19 July – 20 Sept Thurs 2-3:15pm
Build the confidence to free your voice and express yourself with drama games, public speaking and improvisation.
Facilitator: Louise Hall
Fee $295 x 8 sessions or $49 drop-in

20 July, Friday 6:30-9:00pm
Spiritual food that brings people together.
$35. Course students $15

24 July – 18 Sept. Tuesdays 4-5pm
$60 per session or $500 for 10 lessons.

27-29 July. Ayurveda Cooking Retreat
Weekend Retreat with Cert IV & Dip Yoga course students
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

3-5 August 2018,. Fri-Sun. Residential weekend retret
7 POINTS IN MIND TRAINING in Relational intelligence
Silent meditation weekend retreat
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

17-19 August. Fri-Sun. Residential weekend retreat
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

25-26 August
Two days of intensive training in understnding and exploring Pranayama.
Fee $2995. Repeat attendance $1595

Sept 7-9, Weekend
FINDING MEANING, PASSION and PURPOSE in the pursuit of happiness
Weekend Retreat. Cert IV & Dip Yoga
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

Sept 15, 16. Sat, Sun
Fee: $2995. Repeat stiudents $1595

20, 21 Oct. Sat, Sun 10am-5pm
Weekend intensive workshop and tutorial offering all the one-of-a-kind education, methodology and Shanti Yoga resources you need to successfully teach children’s yoga. Learn tools you can use immediately with the children in your life. Tutorial and practicum is free for current Yoga course students.
200 hr course, consisting of 1 non-residential. weekend intensive + 6 months internship.  $2995

26-28 October, Weekend
Weekend Retreat. Cert IV & Dip Yoga
Retreat Facilitator: Shanti Gowans
Venue: Nirvana Wellness Sanctuary, Beechmont
Fee: $750 single room accommodation, shared facilities, for 2 nights, 6 meals, program.

3,4 November. Sat & Sun,  10am-5pm  $2995.
Ayurvedic Relaxation Massage, Abhyanga.
Practitioner Training. Prereqsites: Basic principles of Ayurveda. A&P. Ayurvedic A&P. First Aid. Bodies wanted. Please donate to science. $2995

Your Indian Holiday of a Lifetime 2018
3-11 November 2018. 9 days, 8 nights.
North India Golden Triangle
Fee per person
US $2520 twin share accommodation
(approx AUD3340)
US $3528 single traveller accommodation
(approx AUD4671)

11-18 November 2018. 8 days, 7 nights
Kerala, God’s own Country, South India
Fee per person
US $2433 twin share accommodation
(approx AUD3225)
US $3654 single traveller accommodation
(approx AUD4838)
with Shantiji and Peter

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Constipation according to Ayurveda

Constipation according to Ayurveda
Constipation can be much more than just a slow bowel movement. According to Ayurveda, constipation is a signal of imbalanced Vata and blockage of channels. A patient with depression or rheumatoid arthritis usually has constipation as an associated symptom. A patient with migraine can also have constipation. Thus, in many cases, relieving constipation can contribute to relief of migraine and depression as well.
Even though constipation is a simple discomfort, if neglected and not treated in time, it may lead to a major problem. Digestion is like a highway. One wrong move, and everything gets backed up. Sometimes for years. So there is immediate need to look into this health discomfort, seriously.
A common understanding with constipation, is that waste products are stuck in the intestines with complications arising because of those lodged or blocked waste products. However, the reason is much deeper than that. The large intestine is designed to store feces for a certain amount of time, thus, holding it for some more amount of time is not a big task for it. The real problem arises when the lack of bowel movements for a long period of time sends wrong signals to liver, brain, immune system etc, leading to migraine and such other complications.
Vata dosha is responsible for constipation. Apana vayu is responsible for both holding the stool until it is ready to be expelled, and for the free flow and expulsion of stool. When the functions of Apana vayu are significantly affected, it results in constipation.
Causes of constipation 
The Ayurvedic terms for constipation can include: Vibandha, Vishtabdhata, Malabaddhata, Baddhavarchas, Stabdha Pureeshata, Varcho Vibandha etc.
The cause of constipation can include:
– The intake of food possesses dry, light, rough qualities. This includes any food that causes dryness of mouth, lightness in the body and roughness in skin.
– Excessive consumption of pungent, astringent and salt foods
– Night awakening
– Not enough intake of water
– Working in strong sunlight.
– Long walks
– A lot of travelling
– Sitting at a same place for a long period of time
– Lack of sufficient fibre in the diet
– Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease
– Excessive use of antacids
– Depression
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Pregnancy: the fetus putting pressure on the intestines, causing lack of bowel movements
– Colon cancer
– Intestinal obstruction: structural problems such as twisting of intestines (volvulus).
Medicines that cause constipation
Allopathic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and imipramine, anti convulsants such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, Iron supplements, Antacids with aluminiummay cause constipation.
Ayurvedic medicines containing Guggulu and Sallaki as ingredients may contribute to constipation. In such patients, usually Triphala Churna is adminsitered to nullify the side effect.
Herbs that cause constipation
Ripe Falsa fruit, Grewia asiatica
Fox nut, Euryale ferox
Jamun fruit
Kupilu, Nux Vomica
Pathology of constipation
Arising from Vata imbalancing factors, Apana vata is aggravated and is blocked in the lower part of the large intestine, which results in constipation. Depending upon the grade of affliction, absolute constipation or hard stool are complained by the patients.
Complications from constipation
If the complaint is neglected, and causative factors are continued, complications such as the following arise:
– Hemorrhoids
– Fissure in anus
– Gaseous distention of abdomen, bloating
– fecolith – hard, stone like feces
– Headache, liver disorders and various metabolic and intestinal diseases may be originated
– Back ache
– In some individuals, reverse peristalsis can also occur.
Prevention of constipation
•Consider eating fruit and vegetable salad mix as part of your lunch or dinner.
•Consume lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole wheat, corn (bran), cauliflower, raisins, cabbage, berries, green leafy vegetables, celery, beans, guava, figs, dates, flax seed, spinach, orange, mushroom, and so on, which provide fibre in your diet.
•Drink good quantities of water throughout the day. Note that, in a normal person, Ayurveda advises to drink water only when thirsty. But in a disease condition, such as constipation, the patient can have good amounts of water. Water along with fiber rich diet softens bowels and prevents constipation.
•Avoid excess of coffee and tea. However, some patients do not get bowel movement urges unless they have their coffee or tea. Then this advice is not applicable to them.
•Avoid excessive spicy food, heavy non vegetarian food, and fried food.
•Exercise. Consider walking for at least 15 minutes in a day.
•Yogasanas for constipation: Pavana Muktasana, Uttana Padasana, Yoga Mudra, and those asanas and exercises that put pressure on the abdomen are very useful in its treatment.
•Do not hold the urge. The science of Ayurveda teaches that a natural urge is a signal to the person to act. It needs to be attended immediately. Regular holding of urge eventually will lead to constipation.
Tips for treating constipation
– Drink two to four extra glasses of water a day (unless fluid is restricted).
– Drink warm liquids, especially in the morning.
– Drink a cup of warm water in the evening.
– Consider getting an oil massage, or do it yourself.
Treat the underlying cause
– Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, where constipation is an associated symptoms, correction of digestion process should be given due importance.
– Treatment of depression, in addition to treating constipation, depression symptoms should also be treated.
– Treatment of migraine, rheumatoid arthritis associated with constipation, the disease should also be given due attention in treatment.
Simple remedies for Constipation
•Soak 10-15 raisins in water in the morning and consume it at night.
•1 teaspoon of cow’s ghee and 1 spoon of raw sugar (in non diabetic patients) dissolved in one cup (150ml) of warm water, taken at bed time. This is highly effective against mild constipation.
•For those who pass hard pellets, Gulkhand is administered at night along with milk.
•The fruit pulp of Aragwadha is taken (10grams) along with water or milk. This helps to relieve even chronic kind of constipation.
•2-4 tender leaves of Castor (Eranda) ground into fine paste, to which the pulp of Aloe vera is added. Consumption of this helps people, who frequently suffer from constipation.
•Regular use of aloe vera in diet prevents hard bowels.
Caution with laxatives
Overuse of laxatives for a long period of time eventually worsens constipation. Hence, when you are prescribed a medicine for constipation, be proactive to change your lifestyle and diet habits, as explained above, so as to prevent dependency on medications.
– Mridu snehana, mild oleation.
– Abhyantara snehana, internal oleation, e.g. administering 5-10 grams of ghee or medicated ghee such as Sukumara ghrita.
– Maha Narayana oil, or sesame oil massage for external oleation.
– Triphala, Rasagandha or Sukha sarak vati, which are some Ayurvedic examples of laxatives, for virechana and vatanulomana oushadha.
– Guda Varti, use of rectal suppository
Herbs useful in mild constipation:
Haritak, Chebulic myrobalan-Terminalia chebula
Aragwadha, Cassia fistula
Draksha, Raisins, Dry grapes-Vitis vinifera
Patola, Trichosanthes dioica
Katukarohini, Picrorrhiza kurroa
Castor oil. in addition to constipation, castor oil in combination with other herbs is used in many diseases. For example: Castor oil with Haritaki is used in treating rheumatoid arthritis.
Herbs useful in severe constipation:
Jayapala, Croton tiglium
Danti, Baliospermum montanum
Trivrit, Operculina turpethum

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Diseases in the ages of beings

Diseases in the ages of beings

In the beginning of the golden age of truth, Satya-yuga, also known as the Krita-yuga, human beings were endowed with divine vitality. Exceedingly faultless and unhampered in their powers, they had direct knowledge. These god-like sages knew the divine law, and the sacrificial rituals. They possessed bodies which were robust, compact and firm, and had clear senses and mind. Thye had good complexions and their speed, strength and power resembled those of the wind. They were free from desire, aversion, infatuation, greed, anger, pride, diseases, laziness, fatigue, languour and the spirit of aquisition. They experienced unlimited longevity. For the benefit of these people with heroic minds, qualities and deeds, their crops were replete with wonderful taste, potency, post digestive effects, specific actions and virtue, because the earth, during the sawn of the golden age was charged to the full with all excellent qualities.

During the latter part of the Satya-yuga, those whe were financially better off ate more and became obese. By over-indulgence this heaviness of body led to lassitude; lassitude gave rise to indolence, indolence created the need of accumulation and necessitated acquisition. The spirit of acquisition engendered greed. The qualities of earth also deteriorated gradually along with the qualities of human beings.

Thereafter, the bodies of human beings failing to receive nutrition as before from the progressively deteriorating quality of food, together with the lack of exercise and adverse effects of exertion, heat and wind, soon succumbed to attacks of fever and other dis-ease. Thereafter, in the second or silver age, known as the Treta-yuga, greed brought malice in its way and led to falsehood; falsehood bred lust, anger, vanity, hatred, cruelty, aggression, fear, grief, anxiety, distress and the like. Consequently in the second age, virtue found itself deprived of a quarter of its plentitude. From this quarterly loss in virtue, there followed a similar deterioration in the duration of the succeeding age and in the beneficial power of the earth and other elements. The consequence of this deterioration led to a corresponding deterioration in the purity, taste, potency, post-digestive effects, specific ation and quality of herbs. In this manner righteousness dwindled in each succeeding age by one quarter, and the proto-elements too suffered silimar deterioration till eventually the world would come to dissolution.

When a hundredth part of the length of an age period is past, then the life span of creatures gets less by one year. This is in reference to the normal determination of life span in a given age. Thus, not following the path of righteousness and not following the dictates of conscience are the root cause of all disease.

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Ayurveda Spring Detox Retreat – Sept 20 – 29, 2019

Ayurveda Spring Detox Retreat –  Sept 20 – 29, 2019
  • If you, like many others are frustrated with the health care system right now, it is because it is not about wellness but about disease.The truth is you know your body. You know if you are feeling less than you felt 5 or 10 years ago. You know some of it might be linked with stress and pressure, and how it affects how you feel in your heart and head. Your traditional doctor has been trained to see you as a set of organs or a series of diseases that needs pharmaceutical drugs to fix it. But when antidepressants or prescriptions drugs are not the health care you need, your doctor unfortunately has not been trained to provide you with the answers you have been searching for. You need to get to the root cause of your ‘off’ state and bring your health back.Let us help you to take the reins into your own hands and heal at the core. We have seen remarkable results with our students and patients’ health. Commit to feeling your absolute best and stop settling for what those who have not been trained in wellbeing tell you to do symptomatically, and fix the issue at the root!  With easy, foundational practices such as Yoga breathing, Inner Peace Meditation, super gentle yoga stretching, mindful eating and Ayurvedic herbals and treatments you will start to take back your health and power.ENQUIRE ABOUT

    – Airport transfer  (Brisbane or Coolangatta Airport)
    – Treatments as per your constitution
    – Ayurvedic detox medicines and treatments for the duration of the program

    CALL (07) 5531 0511

    Twin-share – 3980
    Single room – $4750
    Ensuite-twin – $5100
    Ensuite-single – $5450

If you can not make this Spring Detox retreat we have 2 more coming up on December 27 – 3 January and from 3 – 10 January.

We very much look forward to working with you, towards your goals for your best health.

For more information please call (07) 5531 0511) or visit shantiyoga.com.au

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Daily Regime (Dinacharya)

Daily Regime (Dinacharya)

Daily Regime (Dinacharya)
By Shanti Gowans
The Vedic disciplines of Ayurveda (which means the science of life) and Yoga (which means unity), have served humanity for thousands of years.

Preserving the health of a healthy individual and treating the diseased has been the aim of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic theory is both organic and sophisticated. It unpacks the energetic perspective of what causes imbalances and engenders disease.

Recognising the relationship of those habits which court disease is only half of the equation. Updating habits in real time is the crux and strategy of habit evolution.

According to Ayurveda, certain rituals help us maintain high energy levels and keep the body cleansed.

Dinacharya in Ayurveda plays an important role – dina means ‘day’ and charya means ‘to follow a routine.’  By combining this principle of daily routine with mindful food choices, we can improve the health of hair, skin and nails to radiate our natural outer beauty from within. In Ayurveda, the actions in a healthy daily routine, dinacaryā, are heavily weighted towards the morning cleanse and, among other things, involve giving attention to each of the five sense organs, namely, the nostrils, the tongue, the eyes, the ears and the skin. There are mysterious and scientific reasons for this. For starters, from a certain perspective, what we perceive through our senses adds up to what we know. Therefore, it behooves us to both cleanse our sense organs and refine our ability to sense.
Circadian Rhythms are daily cycles of biological activity based on a 24-hour period and influenced by regular variations in the environment, such as the alternation of night and day.

Circadian rhythms can influence sleep-wake cycles, hormone release, body temperature, and other important bodily functions. They have been linked to various sleep disorders, such as insomnia. Abnormal circadian rhythms have also been associated with obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder and seasonal affective disorder.

The importance of maintaining your circadian rhythms is well indicated by facts such as World Health Organisation’s recognition of night shifts as a possible cause of cancer. Research also shows how the times at which we eat contribute to the disruption of our circadian rhythms.

If we pay attention to our cycles then we see bio rhythms influence who we are. If we are in alignment with the rhythms then we experience life more deeply and with attunement. If we ignore them, we are out of step. So much of health arises from living in rhythm.

What would your life be like if you were in rhythm?

The reality is that the more we are in rhythm, the more we are in alignment, the more energy passes through us, the more vibrant, joyful, connected, vibrant and abundant we feel.

Long before any of these studies were conducted and discoveries were made, ancient sciences talked about these rhythms, about balance and synchronicity with nature, about being in alignment with oneself.

Through disciplined sleep routines, prescribed eating, cleansing, self-care practices and recommended exercise, Ayurveda and Yoga provide you with several tools to balance and restore your circadian rhythms.

The sister sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda delved into these unseen, intangible territories which open into a far “up-levelled” experience of wellbeing, and yet, they were always rooted in the very physical, daily, and practical aspects of life.

Align your sleep schedule with the Ayurvedic clock.

Wake an hour and a half before sunrise, between 4-6am, and go to bed by 10pm.

Conforming with the Ayurvedic clock can be challenging at first, especially if you are required to work later in the night. Just do the best you can, and allow yourself to ease into a new schedule. If you tend to go to bed between 12-1am, try 11:30pm, 11pm, and then 10:30pm over the duration of a few weeks or months.

The results will be amazing. You may be surprised to discover how easily the body will adjust to a new schedule once a pattern is repeated enough times, and you may be equally surprised by how much better you feel.

Your body is like a machine with its activities scheduled directly, and influenced by sunlight. However, people are able to accomplish more work late at night because of artificial lighting and flexible working hours. Unfortunately, this compromises the body’s maintenance routine and impacts your ability to properly digest food, repair cells, generate new ones and clear out toxins. The liver is most active between 10pm and 2am and requires us to be in a sleep state for optimal functioning.

Eat according to the Ayurvedic clock.

In Ayurveda, the digestive force is known as Agni. THis digestive fire is directly aligned with the sun’s daily course.

Ideally true hunger will arise between 6-8am, 10am-2pm and 5-8pm, though you may need to introduce these new mealtimes first in order to balance Agni such that hunger aligns with the universe’s clock. When Agni is weak, a person will feel hungry less frequently, or may experience hunger at less opportune times for digestion, such as late at night when the liver’s fire ignites. This is often confused as ‘time to eat’ when we are awake, instead of ‘time to detox,’ which is what should be happening.

The Ayurvedic clock is naturally expressed by your body’s needs when you create space for it with your sleeping and eating routines. Once aligned with this clock, you will find that any other schedule feels unnatural.

Compose your meals Ayurvedically

Every individual’s constitution is different when it comes to specific food choices, however, certain rules apply to everybody. Composing your meals wisely throughout the day ensures that you receive the best possible nourishment, digest food properly and fuel yourself with energy when it is most needed.

Whole, organic foods are recommended for the high quality nutrients they contain, and cooked foods are recommended for ease of digestion.

Snacking is generally ill-advised. Meals should be nutritionally dense and sized to fuel you to the next one; however, you should never ignore true hunger. When true hunger arises in-between meals, snack wisely: try dates, raisins, nuts or seeds.

Daily self massage

A regular practice of self-abhyanga, or oil massage, in conjunction with at least one monthly synchronised abhyanga therapy by a qualified Panchakarma Practitioner is recommended to nourish the skin, firm the muscles, calm the nerves, improve circulation and assist in the elimination of toxins.


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Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut

Leaky Gut by Shanti Gowans
The most common Ayurvedic prescription in India today is a gentle but powerful herbal gut-healer called triphala. With origins dating back 6,000 years, Ayurvedic medicine’s ancient healers have understood the importance of the gut or millenea. And they are right. Most medical disorders can be traced back to your gut.

If you don’t keep your gut healthy, you could end up with a condition called ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’, which can cause many chronic diseases… serious health issues, such as celiac disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

Sadly, Western medicine barely recognises Leaky Gut Syndrome, even though it afflicts millions of people.

A leaky gut can be the source of real discomfort. It often goes hand in hand with multiple allergies, as well as asthma, eczema, headaches, sinusitis, gas, bloating, gastroenteritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Here is how it happens:

The lining of your gut is similar to a fine net, built of just a single layer of cells. It is this barrier that keeps food in your digestive system until it can be broken down safely.

If your gut is healthy, tiny holes in the lining allow nutrients to pass through. This is how your body absorbs vitamins, minerals and other vital nutrients..

The problem is, the modern world is hostile to your gut. Antibiotics, steroids and other prescription drugs wipe out the delicate gut microflora in your small intestine. These are the good guys you need to crowd out the “bad bacteria.”

Additionally, and to compound matters, making it worse, a western diet of processed starches, sugars and food additives, such as emulsifiers, feed bad bacteria and break down the integrity of these tiny intestinal holes.

When you have a leaky gut, these tiny holes become misshapen and enlarge.

Large undigested food molecules, yeasts, bacteria, toxins and invading pathogens can now flow freely into your bloodstream and damage your body.

If you have allergies, it may be a sign that you have a leaky gut…

Your body treats all that “sewage” as foreign invaders. Gradually, you develop reactions to foods such as milk, cheese, nuts, grains, eggs, and more.

Now, every time you eat these foods, your body launches an immune reaction. This leads to chronic inflammation throughout your body, the root of all chronic disease.

But Ayurvedic doctors know exactly how to treat a leaky gut, as well as the diseases and conditions that spring from it. The first choice of medication is a herbal remedy called ‘triphala’. It is named from two Sanskrit words that literally mean ‘three fruits’. Triphala is made by blending the dried and powdered rinds and flesh of amlaki (or Indian gooseberry), haritaki (from the terminalia tree) and bibhitaki (from the bahera tree).

This combination forms a powerful gastric healer and acts as a gentle, safe and highly effective detoxifier for the intestine, colon, blood and liver, and an ancient intervention for constipation.

It is packed with antioxidants such as gallic, ellagic and chebulinic acids, as well as flavonoids and polyphenols with potent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antidiarrheal properties. And it is rich in vitamin C.

Ayurvedic doctors prescribe it for almost everything gut related and more, from constipation and indigestion to gastroenteritis to cardiovascular disease, mental health conditions, liver and pancreatic disorders and cancer. (A study by researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute confirms that triphala prevents and slows the growth of pancreatic cancer tumors. Studies also confirm triphala can repair the large intestinal holes caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome. It tightens your gut wall and rebalances intestinal mucus, which is key to protecting you from further intestinal attacks).

You can buy triphala powder from Shanti Yoga Health Institute Australia, and simply prepare a soothing cuop of triphala tea.
* Add ½ teaspoon of triphala powder into a cup of hot water.
* Taken on its own, it can taste very bitter. Try adding a little rice malt/maple syrup and ghee (Indian clarified butter) to the mix.
* Always take triphala on an empty stomach before meals or at bedtime.
Triphala can also be purchased as a supplement in tablet form or as a liquid extract.

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