Archive for November, 2017

Heart Health

Heart Health

Boost your Heart Health

Terminalia Arjuna is the ages-old Ayurvedic medicinal herb and powerful cardio tonic made from the bark of the Arjuna tree. It is used both as a protector against heart disease and a powerful treatment for the condition itself.

It is very effective for women cardiac patients, which is very important, because heart disease is a killer that strikes more women than men. But mainstream medicine, which was fashioned in the image of a man’s body, still regularly misses the different symptoms of heart disease in women. A woman’s heart is very different to a man’s heart, in terms of circulation and the receptors they have for certain hormones. If you have a heart attack, it’s likely to be more deadly than it would be for a man. About 38% of women die within a year of a first attack, compared with 25% of men. (‘Women and Heart Disease Facts’. Women’s Heart Foundation.)

Most men having a heart attack arrive at ER with “classic” symptoms, such as sharp chest pains, shortness of breath, pain running down the left arm, and so on.

But 42% of women don’t have chest pain at all. And they often get other symptoms that men don’t usually get.2

Women are more likely to report pain in one or both arms, their jaw, neck or back. They may have discomfort in the upper part of the stomach or heartburn, nausea or vomiting. You are also more likely to feel extreme fatigue or have problems breathing. Other signs, such as light-headedness and dizziness also occur more often in women than men.

To make matters worse, doctors prescribe Big Pharma cardiac medications that actually weaken your heart — such as statin drugs, which not only lower your “bad” LDL cholesterol but also your “good” HDL cholesterol, which raises your risk of a heart attack.

Mainstream medicine sees your ailments as packages of symptoms that need to be either drugged or cut out. Ayurveda connects body, mind and spirit to nature and whole-body health. This is exactly how Arjuna works.

Modern science backs up its ancient cardiac healing power. (Patel S. “Plant-derived cardiac glycosides: Role in heart ailments and cancer management”. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 2016-12-01).

 The tree bark of Arjuna contains:

  • Natural CoQ10: Works to boost your heart’s pumping power.
  • Glycosides: Increases the output force of your heart and decreases its rate of contractions, making Arjuna a powerful weapon against congestive heart failure.
  • Antioxidants: Prevents oxidation and inflammation, and shown to prevent heart attacks and protect heart tissue from damage after a heart attack. (Gauthaman K, Banerjee SK., et al. “Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) protects rabbit heart against ischemic-reperfusion injury: role of antioxidant enzymes and heat shock protein.” J Ethnopharmacol. 2005 Jan 15).
  • – Tannins: Contains catechins, which have been shown to prevent atherosclerosis as well as heart attacks themselves. (Jagroop IA, Kakafika AI, Mikhailidis DP., et al.”Platelets and vascular risk: an option for treatment.” Curr Pharm Des. 2007).

Arjuna can be taken in its raw bark form, or as a supplement in a tablet capsule, extract, infusion, or powder form.

You can order it from

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1 cup yoghurt

4 cups water (ratio is 1 to 4)

1 tsp cumin of seeds (crushed  in pestle and mortar)

1 tsp of fennel seeds (crushed  in pestle and mortar)

¼ cup fresh coriander



Place yoghurt and water in bowl, mix with egg beater or the like.

Add cumin/fennel seeds.

Add  a coriander


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Yoghurt at night

Yoghurt at night

Ayurveda explains yoghurt as having the mixed properties of sour and sweet. It increase Kapha dosha in the body, the effects of which, namely mucous generation, is also attributed to the effects of Kapha.

During the night, when there is natural predominance of Kapha in the body, yoghurt consumption at night will further increase Kapha leading to many complications. This is quite similar to exposing yourself to hot sun in the afternoon, which is not recommended, because, the afternoon is naturally a Pitta predominant period and sun exposure also increases Pitta.

The Qualities of Yoghurt

Yoghurt is sour in taste, hot in potency, heavy to digest (takes a longer period to undergo digestion).  It increases fat, strength, kapha, pitta, digestive power.

The Dos and Dont’s

Whenever there is swelling or inflammation, consuming yoghurt will worsen the inflammation. Note, however,  that these properties are attributed to sour yoghurt.

Sour yoghurt should not be consumed by making it hot (ushna).

Yoghurt should not be consumed at night (nishi),

It should also not be consumed during spring and summer seasons.

However, sour yoghurt mixed in a soup with green gram, honey, ghee, sugar and amla is helpful in relieving dysurea (difficulty in urination) and indigestion.


Aim to avoid consuming yoghurt at night, because night is basically a Kapha predominant period, thus consuming yoghurt at night is best avoided according to Ayurveda. Yoghurt also increases Pitta. Hence, taking it at night might cause indigestion problem.

If you are accustomed to consuming yoghurt at night, (old habits die-hard!) mix a small pinch of pepper powder to the yoghurt and consume. Do not add too much, as it may cause burning sensations.

You may also try adding fenugreek powder if you can tolerate a slight tinge of bitterness. This superb combination will relieve all kinds of stomach pain generated due to indigestion.

The Benefits of Buttermilk

Buttermilk is best substitute for yoghurt at night.

Buttermilk clears the channel and checks mucus secretion.

Rules for using yoghurt as mentioned in Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana 7

  • One should not take yoghurt at night;
  • If one desires to take yoghurt at night, it can be taken along with ghee, sugar, green gram soup, honey or amalaka (amla: Indian gooseberry).
  • It should not be consumed hot.
  • If one does not follow these rules s/he is likely to suffer from diseases such as fever, bleeding disorders (raktapitta), erysipelas (visarpa), skin diseases (kushta), anemia (pandu), dizziness (bhrama) and jaundice (kamala).[61-62]
  • If you are consuming yoghurt in the morning, then eating it without sugar is better.
  • If you are consuming yoghurt at night, it is not recommended as per Ayurveda. But having it with little sugar is better, if you cannot resist it.

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